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How to Get an SR-22 Removed from Your Record 

Having SR-22 insurance is a standard requirement for drivers who have been convicted of a serious driving offense. However, you only have to register for SR-22 insurance for a designated period of time. Afterward, you can switch to standard insurance and have the requirement removed from your record. This can potentially help you get better rates, as you’re no longer automatically considered a high-risk driver. Luckily, getting an SR-22 removed from your record is a straightforward process. 

Can an SR-22 Be Removed from My Record? 

If you follow the right steps, an SR-22 can eventually be removed from your insurance. In some states, it may always be on your record. Other states will remove it completely. It won’t automatically happen, though. You’re responsible for contacting your insurance company and having it removed from your policy. 

How To Remove Your SR-22 

Here are the basic steps for ending your SR-22: 

Wait Out Your Filing Period 

Each state has its minimum filing period length, but the standard amount of time is three years. Check your state’s laws and review your court documents to determine how long your SR-22 will be active. Be sure to wait out the entire filing period, as terminating your insurance early can have serious consequences. 

Canceling your SR-22 before the full waiting period could result in losing your license, paying extra fines, or having it extended for additional time. You may even need to restart your waiting period and re-file completely. This involves paying filing fees and going through the processing period again, which can interfere with your driving privileges. 

Drive Safely 

It’s important to drive safely during the entire duration of your SR-22. Because SR-22s are issued to high-risk drivers, your goal is to show that you’re responsible enough to drive safely and have regular insurance again. Accruing multiple traffic violations or committing another serious driving infraction could result in your SR-22 being extended. Having any other legal issues could also make it more difficult to complete your waiting period in a timely manner. 

Driving safely also sets you up for success when you return to regular insurance. Many different factors can influence your insurance rate, but people with better driving records often have more affordable premiums. By driving safely for the entire length of your SR-22, you can start building a positive driving record. 

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Adhere to Court Orders 

Having an SR-22 often comes with other court-mandated requirements, especially if it resulted from a DUI or similar charge. If your court order requires you to take any DUI education classes or undergo any treatment, be sure to comply with these requirements. Failing to complete the steps in your court order could lengthen the timeline of your SR-22. 

Confirm With the DMV 

If you aren’t sure of the exact date your SR-22 requirement ends, contact your local Department of Motor Vehicles. The DMV can tell you when you can have your infraction removed. They may also send you a letter in the mail after your filing period ends. 

Contact Your Insurance Company 

The actual removal process takes place with your insurance company. Reach out to your insurance provider and inform them that you’re eligible to end your SR-22. The insurer will then cancel your filing. They’ll also contact the DMV to alert them that they’ve canceled on your behalf. Some insurance companies may require proof from the DMV before canceling. If so, you can ask the DMV for a letter certifying the end of your SR-22 period. 

Sign Up for Standard Insurance 

Once you terminate your SR-22, you can then sign up for standard insurance. Keeping your vehicle insured can help you avoid potential issues in the future. If you know that your period is ending soon, you can prepare by exploring insurance policies and talking to an insurance agent knowledgeable about high-risk drivers’ insurance. However, don’t proceed with the change until you’re sure your waiting period is over. 

Finding Affordable SR-22 Insurance 

When you must have SR-22 insurance, we can help you find an affordable policy that will be part of your transition to getting back to normal. Check with our partner today to learn about the process. 

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