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Will My Auto Insurance Premiums Decrease After My SR-22 Period Ends?

If you have previously received an SR-22 or certificate of financial responsibility reporting requirement, it’s good to know eventually your SR-22 reporting period will come to an end. Therefore, you might be wondering how the end of your reporting requirement will affect the premiums you pay for auto insurance. 

This guide will show you how to make sure your auto insurer receives a notification that your reporting period has ended. You’ll learn how the end of SR-22 will change the auto insurance premiums you pay in the long run. 

How Does an SR-22 Requirement Raise My Auto Insurance Premiums? 

When you receive an SR-22 reporting requirement from your state’s department of motor vehicles, the reason for such a notice usually involves a DUI incident or other reckless driving situation. Because the SR-22 or FR-44 indicates that you are a higher-risk driver, your insurer will raise your premium to cover the additional risk for insuring you. 

Other factors such as your geographic location, prior driving record, and insurance history can influence auto premiums. Still, this reporting requirement can raise your rates significantly beyond these other factors in many instances. 

How Do I Determine When My SR-22 or FR-44 Reporting Period Has Ended? 

In the initial letter sent to you by your state’s DMV, you should have an exact date on which the requirement will end. Assuming you have not had additional citations or violations that might extend your reporting time, you can expect it to end at the indicated time. 

If you have any questions about how much time remains, you can reach out to your local DMV for more information. Some states may also allow you to look up your record online or by mail to get more information. 

Will My Auto Insurance Company Know When My SR-22 Has Ended? 

Usually, you will need to reach out directly to your insurance company to let them know your SR-22 has ended. Typically, they will want some form of proof, including a notification letter from the DMV. Once they have received the letter, your insurer may consider lowering your rates. 

What Paperwork Do I Need to File to Cancel My SR-22? 

If you want to cancel your SR-22 before the mandated period is over, keep in mind that this could lead to legal issues. In most states, if you let your SR-22 insurance lapse or cancel it early, your insurance company is required by law to notify the state DMV, which may then decide to suspend your driving privileges. 

If you no longer own a vehicle but still need to fulfill your requirement, consider switching to a non-owner SR-22 policy. This type of policy provides liability coverage when you’re driving a vehicle you don’t own. 

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Will My Auto Insurance Cost Less after My SR-22 Ends? 

Once the SR-22 period ends, your insurance premiums could decrease. But this is not a guarantee. The end of your SR-22 period might decrease your premiums, but it’s unlikely to return them to the original rate you had before. 

The traffic violation that led to the reporting requirement will stay on your driving record for a time, depending on your state’s laws, and that can still impact your insurance rates well into the future. 

But over time, if you maintain a good driving record, your premiums should decrease. Other ways to reduce your premium include shopping around with different insurance companies, negotiating with your current insurer, and foregoing driving in favor of public transportation, bicycling, or walking. 

How Far Back Do Insurers Look at My Driving Record? 

The exact length of time that insurers will look back into your driving record depends on many factors, including your state of residence, the types of violations you have previously received, and whether you were criminally charged. 

For non-moving violations like illegal parking or traffic violations such as speeding, states will usually drop these off your record within 3 to 5 years. For more serious incidents, such as driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, your criminal record (assuming you were convicted) may remain open for much longer. 

The best way to answer this question is to simply ask your agent how far back their company will look when underwriting your policy. 

How to Drive Safely and Save Money on Your Auto Insurance 

The key to saving money on your car insurance is to drive safely, obey traffic laws, and avoid serious incidents like drinking and driving. Proactively staying safe while you’re on the road will go a lot further than trying to repair the damage after the fact. 

However, not every insurance company knows how to handle SR-22 or FR-44 reporting requirements. Many insurers refuse to take risky drivers. To help save money on your insurance policy, consider taking the following steps: 

  • Seek the right insurance discounts for your situation, including safety features, student status, and safe driver discounts. 
  • Ensure that you maintain your auto insurance policy each year without any gaps. Creating gaps can lead to higher costs from year to year. 
  • Tailor your liability coverage to your specific needs, so long as that coverage meets or exceeds your state’s mandated minimum amounts. 

Ultimately, the best way to avoid paying inflated costs for auto insurance is to obey the traffic laws so you no longer fall into the “high-risk insurance” category. 

Get Affordable SR-22 Insurance Today 

Cheap SR-22 insurance starts with finding an agent who truly understands your situation and needs. SR-22 Adviser’s partner can help you find the right policy for your needs. Get started today with an online quote! 

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